I will have to admit, I really did enjoy the hard work in research and writing.
Advice? Start early and do it every day....... Now, I did try to work on this paper about every other day, but sometimes it didn't work that easy. I do do better at crunch time. But, again, advice?? Pick a topic that you're familiar with. It's a little easier to come up with that "dreaded thesis statement".
More advice..... go to your local library. I found tremendous resources that can be checked out, reference books that can't be checked out, and tons of informative knowledge on my topic. I really like the Kaplan Library, but I guess I'm old-fashion. Give me that hard cover book that I can hold. Nothing printed out from online.
I hope everyone has a successful career in their chosen path and don't forget to stop and smell the flowers. Live is too short.
Good Night class CM229-15